Scotty: Actually I had quite and ordeal trying to see this movie, Zoe just waited confused.
For 45 minutes.
Yes, I’m just as upset about it as you are. So while Zoe types up the summary of the film, I will explain what happened.
Bridesmaids is about Annie (Kristin Wiig), who’s had a bit of a personal crisis. Her bakery failed, she’s sleeping with an asshole (Jon Hamm), she’s living with some strange Brits, and her car’s a piece of crap. Then her friend Lilian (Maya Rudolph) asks Annie to be her maid of honor. Annie’s in charge of planning all the bridal party events and hilarity ensues.
So, Zoe called from the Metro, saying she would need to be picked up for the movie in about 40 minutes. I thought, “Hey that’s enough time for a run around the neighborhood.” So I put on my shorts and a tank top that showed way too much of my sports bra, grabbed my iPod and headed outside thinking that I had left the door to the garage unlocked. Of, course, the door was locked. Without keys or a cell phone, I did the natural thing and kicked the door a couple (or more like a dozen) times while cursing profusely.
At this point, I was cursing the stupid kids in uniforms on the only bench at the Kiss and Ride that were keeping me from sitting down. Heels will do that to a girl.
I could have given up then and waited for Zoe to find my mummified corpse days later,. But no, I’m a problem solver. So, I went through my father’s tool box to find something to pick the lock with. (I learned quickly that nails don’t work.)
Apparently, lock picking is really hard. Then I had a sudden brainstorm Maybe the door from our back porch to the house was unlocked. Unfortunately, the porch was dead bolted from the inside. So I did the logical thing and cut a hole in the porch’s screen with a screwdriver.
At this point, I was reasonably sure A rabid Yorkie had mauled Scotty.
I was quite pleased with myself until I realized the door from the porch to the house was also locked. So, I ended up asking my neighbor for a ride. Thank you Elmer!
We had to go pick up a third friend and we were still only five minutes late. It was magic.
Totally. On to the review!
We went to see this movie with two of our friends, both women and at the end, we were 50/50 on it.
Basically, me and Zoe liked it and our friends didn’t.
We are not good contrasting opinion-type reviewers.
Well, we can always have a guest reviewer since one of our friends is currently sitting next to us.
Mary, what did you think?
Darn, I have to think now. Well, honestly I wasn’t too excited when Scotty and Zoe told me that this is what we’d be going to see. Actually, let me rephrase that. I was really disappointed that I missed Thor last week and was stuck seeing some combination of raunchy, foul-mouthed comedy and chick flick.
That’s where I was wrong. Bridesmaids is not a raunchy, foul-mouthed comedy about a bunch of women going to Vegas for a wild bachelorette party. The trailers and commercials made it out to be. It was instead a film about friendship, and it taught me a valuable lesson: if any of my friends get married and one of the other bridesmaids is an uppity, elitist biotch, I’m going to throw a tantrum and ruin her chocolate fountain and destroy the expensive decorations at the bridal shower. Just seems like a good idea now.
That chocolate fountain freaked me out. It was like a real, tiered fountain with chocolate instead of water. I’m not a germ freak by any stretch of the imagination but ew.
As a person who hadn’t eaten that day (due to being locked out of my house) it looked pretty damn appetizing.
They had one of those at our prom, didn't they?
They had a food fountain, not a lawn fountain. But I have to agree with Mary, what the trailers and commercials are selling and what the movie actually delivers are two very different things. I actually noticed that a few of the lines from the trailer don’t make the movie.
Yeah, I noticed that as well. It was a shame, since those were probably some of the funniest one liners in this film...and they didn't make it. I was definitely expecting a comedy, and when this movie attempted to be funny, I thought it failed.
Am I the only one who actually liked the “chick flicky” aspect of the film? There are themes here that are very poignant to me, especially the whole “life sucks and the world is out to get me” thing.
I liked it! Bridesmaids is much more concerned with the relationships between its female characters than how they relate to the men around them, contrary to what generally happens in your average chick flick. Even in movies for women, about women, two female characters will serve as antagonists for each other (see Bride Wars and Something Borrowed). Dudes can be buds but girls are bitchy and evil.
Or sluts.
The girls in this movie interact in very believable ways, albeit exaggerated. One of the best scenes in the movie for me was a conversation between Annie and Lillian that sounds like one I might have with a friend. It is the women and their relationships with each other that are the center of the story. There’s also a love story but it’s more or less relegated to the B-plot which I definitely think works in the movie’s favor because although Chris O’Dowd (The IT Crowd) is one of the most adorable people in the world, romances as A-plots are boring and not suspenseful.
However, it was a really cute romance.
Yeah, that was pretty much the only thing that saved Bridesmaids for me once I realized that it wasn't going to be a raunchy comedy. I called it that the cop was going to end up as the romantic lead. I was also (sometimes audibly) rooting for Annie to stop being a selfish idiot and for things to work out between her and Rhodes. I got what I wanted.
I also like the raunchy comedy idea. I have eclectic tastes.
It was way more subtle than I was expecting it to be. A lot of the humor comes from sheer ridiculousness, like trying to push over a giant fountain in anger or trying to get pulled over by driving past a cop multiple times doing increasingly illegal things.
Also, Jon Hamm.
That’s right kids, this makes Bridesmaids movie number two that we’ve seen this summer with a cameo by Jon Hamm.
He was hilarious. Honestly, the funniest sex scene I have ever seen was in the first five minutes of this film and it involved him.
Can we start a petition to make Jon Hamm President of Hollywood?
Hollywood is too far away. How about president of New York?
I can’t vote in New York.
Well I can’t vote in Hollywood.
President of Hollywood is like being given the key to the city. You don’t have any real power, but you can walk into any building you want.
How about president of Derwood? He’ll have to live near us.
I think I’d be okay with that.
So do we have any artistic opinions about this movie?
I do! The editing is really inconsistent in Bridesmaids, mostly in the beginning. One second, it’s holding on a scene too long and the next it cuts away before the joke has a chance to sink in. It settles down beyond about thirty minutes in but a good comedy relies on pitch perfect editing so it seemed odd that the beginning was so off.
I didn’t get that, but eh.
I have to prove I got a minor in Film at least once a review.
Now it’s time for me to prove that I have a BA in economics. Is this movie worth the 11 dollars plus the opportunity cost of 125 minutes? I say yes (especially since I’m unemployed). It’s a little weird because you are expecting The Hangover and getting something a little different. For some it might be a bit weird. I really liked it though.
I also say yes, although I was expecting a different movie, the one that exists in its place is funny, surprisingly heart-felt and adorable. The characters can come off as one-dimensional but since we so rarely get a movie about women where they aren’t all just bitches to each other, I say hooray!
We would have a final comment by our guest reviewer but she discovered Scotty’s iPad and Mary is now playing Angry Birds.
We win.
1 comment:
Hm....Nope, still hate the movie, even though your review was funny.
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